A Q&A with Ladd Keith

Ladd Keith, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona, shares his research focus, challenges, and impact in a Q&A for the NCSE Conference 2021.

Daniel Casanova standing in front of a canyon

Daniel Casanova: Planning for a Better Future

Sophomore Daniel Casanova, talks about how is outside activism and his UArizona education are preparing him for a future of combatting the climate crisis.

Homes complicate Arizona wildfire response

Development in Arizona's wildlands is making fires more expensive, and in some cases, more difficult to prevent.

The potential of green infrastructure in mitigating flood impacts: Focused on the mobility of low income and minority comunities

This research advances national U.S. methods for assessing flood vulnerability and prioritizing transportation improvement investments, to ensure that no community is left stranded when the next flood occurs.

As Rural Western Towns Grow, So Do Their Planning Challenges

A new study examines the planning challenges that residents and officials in the rural mountain American West have been watching unfold for years. The researchers specifically looked at over 1,500 "gateway communities" – rural communities adjacent to national parks, forests, rivers and other outdoor recreational amenities.