Carbon removal hype is becoming a dangerous distraction

Corporations and nations are touting plans to suck greenhouse gases out of the air. But the crucial priority this decade is slashing emissions.

Scientists disagree on climate change pushing trogon's decline

This year’s sharp decline of elegant trogons in the face of record drought “is just another piece of the overall jigsaw puzzle that is alarming or should be alarming, regarding climate change,” as Southern Arizona naturalist and trogon researcher Rick Taylor sees it.

How Rainbows Could Boost Your Roof’s Solar Power

It’s a way to make solar panels even more efficient, and all it takes is a little hologram.

Million-year study shows warming will make Indian monsoons more extreme, says geoscientist Kaustubh Thirumalai

Climate models have predicted that global warming will make monsoons in India wetter and more unpredictable. 

Monsoon season is not expected to bring much relief to the drought-stricken Southwest this year

Amid a worsening drought across the southwestern United States, residents are hoping for rain from the upcoming monsoon season. But there may not be much luck this year.

Record-Breaking Temperatures More Likely in Populated Tropics

New research shows that most extreme heat events are going to occur in the tropics rather than the poles.

Unprecedented outbreak of side blooms on saguaros in Arizona

Cactus experts are tracking an unprecedented outbreak of “side blooms” on saguaros across Southern Arizona this year.