Mark Brusseau
Professor, Soil, Water, and Environmental Science
Joint Professor, Hydrology and Water Resources
Dr. Brusseau is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, and a member of several professional societies. Dr. Brusseau's research is focused on developing a fundamental understanding of the factors and processes influencing the transport and fate of contaminants in the subsurface. He is also interested in the development and evaluation of innovative subsurface characterization and remediation technologies, and the evaluation of risks posed to human health by contamination. His research integrates mechanistic, laboratory-based experimentation, site-specific field-based investigation, and the development and application of mathematical modeling. His research projects span and integrate multiple spatial scales, from the pore scale to the basin scale. Dr. Brusseau has extensive experience in research translation and technology transfer activities. He is the originator and Director of the Research Translation Core for the University of Arizona Superfund Research Program. He has served on the technical advisory board for the Arizona WQARF (state Superfund) program, and for several federal and state Superfund sites. He is a member of the Broadway/Pantano WQARF Community Advisor Board (CAB), and has participated in numerous CAB meetings for other sites. He has conducted several international webinars and has participated in local/regional conferences and workshops to relay research results to environmental regulators, consultants, and the general public.
- Ph.D. Subsurface Hydrology/Environmental Chemistry, University of Florida, 1989