Diana Liverman speaking at podium in ENR2 building

Honoring Diana Liverman for her leadership in environment

The Arizona Institutes for Resilience (AIR) honors Diana Liverman with the announcement of a new undergraduate scholarship program, the Diana Liverman Scholars Program.

Heat and smog hit low-income communities and people of color hardest, scientists say

As the world warms due to climate change, two studies released this week show that heat exposure and related health issues are already having an inordinate impact on people of color and low-income communities.

Choosing Not To Have Children Because Of Climate Change

New research finds people may choose not to have children because they do not want to contribute to climate change.

The Gila River Indian Community innovates for a drought-ridden future

Through partnerships and exchanges, the community is ensuring that its members have long-term access to their own resources while helping solve broader water supply problems.

'A Future That Is Likely Doomed': Why Climate Change Makes Young People Worried About Having Kids

Climate change has changed the way a lot of us think about the future, but for what seems like a growing number of young people, it’s changing something fundamental: Their decision to have children.

Communicating for Societal Impact Workshop Indige-FEWSS Trainees Speakers

Communicating for Societal Impact Workshop Series

The Communicating for Societal Impact Workshop series was held virtually from March 22nd to March 25th. The eight training sessions provided additional resources for Sloan Scholars,  Indige-FEWSS Trainees, and Diné College Bridge to STEAM Scholars to build skills in effective communication and community-engaged research.

Celebrate Earth Day in CT with education, films, critters and more

Throughout the pandemic, many of us have taken to reveling in Mother Nature. We’ve taken up hiking, gardening and various outdoor activities to escape our homes. With Earth Day just around the corner on April 22, we know there’s always ways to do more to help our environment beyond recycling or picking up litter.