OPINION: Cities must plan for heat resilience now

Shocking heatwaves in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and Canada show preparation for climate-driven extreme heat needs work - fast

What Biden's climate justice pledge on leaking oil wells means

A little-discussed section in President Biden’s groundbreaking executive order on climate aims high. For the first time in federal policy, it pairs the urgent issues of leaking greenhouse gases with the creation of new jobs for energy workers and people who live in heavily-polluted neighborhoods.

Annual Space Horizons conference discusses sustainability in space

Week-long, virtual conference focuses on ecological, economic sustainability of space exploration, research

Arizona mining industry steps up to meet skyrocketing demand for copper

It has the highest recycling rate of any engineering metal, every child born today will use about 1,500 pounds of it, between 500 and 600 pounds of it were used to make billions of doorknobs in the United States, and the Statue of Liberty is plated with upwards of 179,000 pounds of it.

I Explored A $200,000,000 Forgotten Space Colony


We went to Biosphere 2 to explore and try to understand it's confusing past.

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AIR Celebrates Diana Liverman’s Election to National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Regents Professor and Director of the School of Geography & Development Diana Liverman joins the ranks of America’s most accomplished scholars, scientists, artists and leaders for her contributions on the human dimensions of global change.

Tree Rings Could Pin Down Thera Volcano Eruption Date

Research led by the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research has anchored a long sequence of tree rings, providing context for the civilizations that existed throughout the Bronze and Iron Ages.