California’s Relentless Droughts Strain Farming Towns

Gov. Newsom has placed most of the state under a drought emergency, which could leave communities struggling with agricultural pollution without drinking water.

Planting a million trees in the semi-arid desert to combat climate change

Tucson's ambitious tree planting goal aims to improve the health of residents, wildlife, and the watershed.

The Gila River Indian Community innovates for a drought-ridden future

Through partnerships and exchanges, the community is ensuring that its members have long-term access to their own resources while helping solve broader water supply problems.

Rivers might not be as resilient to drought as once thought

Years after a lengthy drought, some southeastern Australia rivers show no signs of recovering.

Air Conditioners Might Be One Water Source of Our Urban Future

A global water crisis has companies and cities reusing the condensation from air conditioners to water plants, flush toilets and in one case, brew beer.

Mark Clytus, Indige-FEWSS Trainee

Profile on Mark Clytus: Indige-FEWSS Trainee

Mark Clytus is a first-generation Ph.D. student in American Indian Studies with an emphasis in Natural Resource Management and Policy/ Indigenous STEM Education at the University of Arizona. He has been a Trainee with IndigeFEWSS since the start of the program in 2018 and contributes to education and community engagement initiatives.


Dr. Karletta Chief Receives Distinguished Outreach Faculty Award

Dr. Karletta Chief received the University Distinguished Outreach Faculty Award for 2021, an honor that recognizes faculty who demonstrate outstanding commitment to outreach for the common good of the state and the nation.

UArizona research shows perseverance in Tucson food industry

University of Arizona researchers released a new report of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the food system right here in Tucson.

California Is Launching Monitoring Satellites To Hunt Super-Emitters

California and partners will launch two satellites by 2023 to spot and monitor plumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane – with dozen more to follow if all goes right. The elimination of these planet-warming greenhouse gases is essential to curbing climate change.

Researchers look to solve food production challenges due to climate change

Researchers say climate change is posing significant challenges for farmers across the country and could have an impact on food production in years to come.